Monday, September 6, 2010


Well today started out fairly well.  We got up around 9am (early for me, i prefer 10am) because Waylon woke up who then proceeded to wake up Jaedon. Once Jaedon is up, there is no going back to sleep.  We had a fairly uneventful morning. Jaedon got 100% on his Spelling Test which was great! 20 words and 2 sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. Lunch turned into 2 hours because me being a great last minute person (always do best preparing at last minure, so it seems) and getting things together for co-op which starts tomorrow.  I am sooo nervous and am freaking out! 11 children having a teacher who is panicing and freaking out and AHHHHH! I am playing tug of war with the Lord over this.  I freak out and worry and give it to Him.  10 minutes later I take it back and worry some more and proceed to give it back to him.  Why would I ever take worry and stress back? Where is my noggin? Must be on vacation. I informed Jaedon today that since he was messing up the spelling on his name that his name is no longer Jaedon but Harry. I figure its easier to spell. :D I picked Albus but Jaedon said that was too silly.

It is now 530ish and we have no finished school yet.  I am in no hurry as we have little to do.  The new order we go in with our subjects has greatly improved our school day.

May you have a blessed day though a little crazy as any day that is not would be just plain dull.

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